Wednesday, September 8, 2010


In my garden on a slender branch of almandia creeper you can see this nest built by a sun bird. Apparently in this species the female builds the nest and not the male as is the normal practice amongst birds in general. Don't brand me as a male chauvinist; not in the least have I even hinted the reasons for choosing the site of the future home where this female is going to raise her family !
The site is subject to the stealth of numerous crows and crow pheasants who raid these nests and declare their triumph to their colleagues who have a field day in our housing colony.
Our housing colony is located in former orchard land. All of the residents have over 20 years created woods around their houses for birds to nest and breed.
While noticing this sensless activity, we all know that birds do have a herd instinct. Birds of a feather, flock together. Witness,every morning,the pigeons and brahmany maynas and other species of birds flocking together on the electricity cables in front of our house.They wait patiently for their b'fast provided by a benevolent Jain lady in our neighbourhood , who lays their feed religiously every morning between 0630 and 0700.
My suspicion that they actively communicate with each other is strengthened by an incident which took place a few years ago. In my bedroom I have installed an exhaust fan. One day a pigeon came through the gap and perched on my wardrobe. When I tried to shoe the bird away it retraced the path and sat on one of the blades of the exhaust fan. Pronto,I switched on the fan and with a flutter and flying off of some feathers the bird flew away.Luckily it didn't perish and perhaps escaped  injured.
After this incident no bird has ever ventured into my bedroom either through this route or even the wide open door to the balcony.I wonder whether the 'wounded soldier' went and spread the word to his flock about the 'wicked old man who lives on the first floor of No.5 Sopan Baug' ! And the pigeons in our colony seem to have inherited this knowledge over generations!!
Are birds really 'birdbrained'?

* Thesaurus explains 'birdbrain' meaning 'stupid',, 'scattered brained ,etc


  1. Thanks for clarifying that bird brained is not exactly stupid!

  2. Ofcourse the birds communicate with each other and know all the nasty humans in each residential colony. Sometimes they even share their secret with me!!!
